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A New Virtual Workshop for Internal Communicators

“Creativity is the #1 skill for business professionals to master.” 

Creativity for Internal Comms is a new virtual workshop designed to help IC pros at all levels strengthen their creativity so they can generate new ideas, ignite innovation, and solve problems.

This isn’t about learning to paint or sing songs – it’s about learning how to hone a critical business skill that will help your engagement, productivity, and performance.

It combines the best of academic research with practical examples of creative thinking from a range of businesses.

Through hands-on and interactive exercises, you will learn how to harness the creative talents you already have - and think more creatively every day.

Why do I need creativity?

The Future of Work is already here. Creativity is the one skill we all need - regardless of role, location, or business - not only to keep up with the new way of working, but to stay ahead.

Internal Comms teams are constantly being asked to do more with less, and solve business problems that have nothing to do with internal communication.

You’re already great communicators - creativity is the skill that will help you become a trusted business partner.

Who is Creativity for Internal Comms for?

This high-energy workshop has been specifically designed by and for people just like you: IC pros who are eager to uncover and unleash their best ideas. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned communication pro, this workshop will give you the skills and confidence to take your iC game to the next level.

What will I do in the workshop?

You will:

  • Discover what it takes to be creative (Hint: it’s not about arts and crafts)

  • Find and Ignite you own creativity through hands-on experiences

  • Hardwire creative confidence so you can use your creativity to generate ideas and solve problems every day.

How long is the workshop?

Creativity for Internal Comms is a two-hour interactive workshop, split between activities to help you ignite your creativity and dedicated time to tackle one of your challenges.

You’ll not only leave with solutions to your challenge - you’ll also learn new methods to strengthen creativity that will help you solve problems in the future.

Your Facilitators

Creativity for Internal Comms is facilitated by Beth Collier and Jason Anthoine, two experienced communication practitioners who, together, bring five decades of IC experience. They have helped leaders inform, involve, and inspire their employees at companies including Barclays Investment Bank, Coke, GE, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson, and Mars Chocolate.

You’ll benefit from their global insights and expertise, as Beth is based in London (UK) and Jason is based in Atlanta (US).


Find out more

Get in touch with Beth or Jason to schedule your workshop, and find out how Creativity for Internal Comms can help you and your team.

One last thing…

Internal Comms is about so much more than communication. It’s about helping your company, your leaders, and your employees solve business problems in a way that only you and your IC team can do.

You can strengthen your creativity.

And Creativity for Internal Comms will show you how!